extends layout block nav-links a(href='/') li(class="py-3 bg-pink text-black hover:bg-black hover:text-pink transition duration-500 ease-in-out") span Home a(href='#') li(class="py-3 bg-black text-green hover:bg-pink hover:text-black transition duration-500 ease-in-out") span About a(href='/obsidian/projects.html') li(class="py-3 bg-pink text-black hover:bg-black hover:text-pink transition duration-500 ease-in-out") span Obsidian a(href='https://github.com/aurora-dot') li(class="py-3 bg-pink text-black hover:bg-black hover:text-pink transition duration-500 ease-in-out") span Projects a(href='https://blog.pastel.codes') li(class="py-3 bg-pink text-black hover:bg-black hover:text-pink transition duration-500 ease-in-out") span Blog a(href='/contact') li(class="py-3 bg-pink text-black hover:bg-black hover:text-pink transition duration-500 ease-in-out") span Contact block content div.mt-5 div.text-lg h1.font-sans.text-6xl.wavy.mb-10 Hello. p.mb-5 I’m E, a 20 year old student in 3rd year of university, who studies computer science & artificial intelligence, somehow achieved a 1:1 for the previous two years. p.mb-5 In my free time, I create small projects to learn new skills to be helpful for others, recently i have been focusing on Django and tailwind for my job. p.mb-5 Graphic design is also very fun and i enjoy making small projects to post on instagram, it has helped a lot with UX/UI design for applications. p.mb-5 Currently I am working as a freelance developer for Bounce Technologies! div h1.font-sans.text-6xl.wavy.my-10 Projects. div each val in project div(class="mb-10 text-center sm:text-left") div.contents a(href=val.url).contents if val.feature_image img(class="sm:w-2/3 mx-auto sm:mx-0" src=val.feature_image) else img(src="/images/logo.png") div.mt-2 a(href=val.url) span(class="font-sans text-2xl sm:text-3xl mt-3 mb-3") #{val.title} p.text-lg #{val.excerpt} div h1.font-sans.text-6xl.wavy.my-10 Blog. div each val in blog div(class="mb-10 text-center sm:text-left") div.contents a(href=val.url).contents if val.feature_image img(class="sm:w-2/3 mx-auto sm:mx-0" src=val.feature_image) else img(src="/images/logo.png") div.mt-2 a(href=val.url) span(class="font-sans text-2xl sm:text-3xl mt-3 mb-3") #{val.title} p.text-lg #{val.excerpt}